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Lesson Plans and Heart Pointing

Passover – Crafted for Curious Minds

Monday, March 18th, 2019

Every year we come together to tell the story, to taste our salty and bitter history, to crunch on matzah and to uplift with the season cycle of spring.
How do we keep it interesting?  How can the seder itself not only be a ritual of the senses but also an annual pilgrimage of discovery?
For the last two [...]

Create Your Own Tu B’Shvat Seder

Friday, January 1st, 2016

If you’ve never participated in a seder for Tu B’Shvat, you’re missing out! I want to give you the tools to host your own this year. Modeled after the Passover seder, it can be a very beautiful experience full of delicious fruits and nuts, great discussion, music, and a chance to explore your spiritual connections [...]

Little People Can Make a Big Difference – a Tu B’Shvat Top Ten

Friday, January 1st, 2016

Little People Can Make a Big Difference!!
(click on the picture or link above to open this PDF)
The earth gives us many gifts, fresh air, spectacular colors, yummy tastes, and natural wonders, and it’s important that we appreciate these gifts by growing up green. There are lots of ways to grow up green.  Simply understanding where [...]

How can I #BeTheShamash ?

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

The Chanukah menorah has eight branches of light plus one additional branch, called the Shamash שמש.  The Shamash candle sits apart from the others and has one very important job.

It’s job is to light the other candles.  It is the helper candle or the starter.  Without it, we would have no light in the dark [...]

The Very First Night Light

Friday, November 27th, 2015

Once upon a time at the very, very beginning, when the seasons changed for the very, very first time,  everything in creation paid very close attention.
It was just round this time of year when Bear noticed that the Sun’s strong beam went down earlier than usual.  ”It’s a little colder today,” said Bear to Elephant.
“Yes [...]

This Little Light of Mine: 8 Art Projects Exploring Light and Dark for Chanukah

Friday, November 20th, 2015

In preparation for Chanukah, my students and I explore light and dark.  Below, some art projects based on these themes.
Teacher Preparation:
Vocabulary words:
“Or” light
“Choshech” dark
“Ner” Candle
“Nerot” Candles
“Ner Tamid” eternal flame/light
“Shamash” – helper
In the story of Chanukah, the Macabbees dedicate the Temple by lighting the Ner Tamid, a light that stays lit always.  That means it’s still lit today. [...]

FAQ: The Power of Seven Simple Questions

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

The Power of Seven Simple Questions

Rosh Hashana is almost here once again! Do you remember where you were, or more importantly, who you were at this time last year?

It’s our first week back to school and I have been doing Rosh Hashana 5775 Interviews with my young students (kindergarten through 7th graders) [...]