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Taste the Rainbow- A mystical Shavuot art project and lesson

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

Make a “Portrait of the Divine” based on the Zohar… 
Teacher Review
Exodus 24: 9-11 (translation by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan)
9Moses then went up, along with Aaron, Nadav and Avihu, and seventy of Israel’s elders.
10They saw a vision of the God of Israel, and under His feet was something like a sapphire brick, like the essence of a clear [blue] sky.
11[God] did not unleash His power against [...]

Into the Wilderness and Up The Mountain – A Shavuot lesson and project for ages 2-5

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

A little messy, a lot of fun.  A hands-on Shavuot art project and lesson for ages 2-5.
* This holiday is sponsored by the numbers 7 and 10*
Teacher Review
Exodus 19:14 -17 Moses climbs up the mountain, the people prepare, the mountain shakes with excitement
Exodus 20: 2-18  Ten Commandments
For the art project
Supplies:  sturdy paper, glue, glue bowls [...]

Gathering our Fruits for Shavuot – A Mindfulness Practice

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

On Shavuot we gather together the Spring Harvest and decorate our sanctuary (both in our Temple and in our home) with flowers and wheat and all kinds of beautiful growing things.
How to make this a personal practice?
Look back at your year… Gather memories, accomplishments, photos, meaningful moments. Capture these images all together and take the [...]