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High + Holy =

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 3:18 pm by shirlala

I was in this place and I did not know it   

In order to get to the High and the Holy of these days, you gotta do some work.  The good news is, it is the most rewarding work. It brings joy, ease, release, renewal, calm, and connection.   

How to go High and Holy?

1. Trust.  Movement, renewal, creation, creativity, these things are the natural way of the Universe. Our aspiration and yearning for change connects us to this Universal flow and as Julia Cameron writes, "As we move toward our dreams, we move toward our divinity."

2.  Listen. Good vibes, bad vibes, all vibes are telling us something. When we get a vibe, asking ourselves "what is that?" will take us directly to our inner voice and listening to the answers will take us to our higher self.  High Holy Day liturgy refers us to this "still small voice – קל דממה דקה" which Elijah hears when he listens to the voice of God. (1 Kings 19:11-12)

3.  Clear.  Not just desktop clutter, but energetic, mental and spiritual clutter.  Tuning in to your higher self requires a clear channel.  It’s a practice, but luckily it’s the most natural practice ever. Your mind and body quiet ever time you take a conscious breath. A few breaths together and imagine what will become clear. As in "God was in this place and I did not know it." (Genesis 28:16) As in: I was in this place and I did not know it.


Whether you embrace or wrestle with the upcoming High Holy Days remember that your job is only to align with your highest self. I promise, your highest self is much, much closer than you think. 


Shana Tovah U’M'tukah,

A SWEET new year to all of you!  May it be a year of compassion, connection, joy and play.








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