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Pesach Recipe – Seven Layer Chocoalte Matzah Cake

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 12:10 pm by admin

*This is an amazing cake.   One year, when I was a child, I practically poisoned myself with chocolate matzah cake I ate so much of it.  ENJOY!

Seven Layer Matzah  Cake

1/2 lb semi sweet chocolate
1 tblsp unsalted butter
1/2 lb or 1 jar raspberry jam without seeds (can also use marmalade)
2 eggs
2 tblsp brandy
3/4 C white wine (can use dry Vermouth as well)
7 matzot

(the jam and chocolate should be checked to make sure it is kosher l’Pesach)

Melt chocolate, butter and jam together over hot water in double boiler

Add eggs and beat with wire whisk until mixture is smooth and consistency of sour cream

Add brandy and remove from heat.

Continue beating until mixture again thickens to consistency of sour cream

Pour wine into a 9″ square dish

Dip matzah (one at a time) in wine just to moisten

Plase moistened matzah on a cake plate and coat with chocolate mixture using a knife or spatula

Top with another moistened matzah and coat with chocolate. Continue
until all seven matzot are stacked and covered with the mixture

Cover sides with remaining mixture and cover top with ground nuts – or make a design using sliced almonds.

Refrigerate until 1/2 hour before serving. The chocolate will harden a
bit and you can take all the drippings and smear with up on the sides
of the cake so that none will be wasted.

Slice in thin wedges and serve.

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Posted in Pesach, Recipes