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Pesach Recipes – Middle Eastern Lamb Kubeh

Sunday, March 24th, 2019 10:50 am by shirlala

Barbara Kline’s Kubeh

Ground lamb
Finely chopped onion
Finely chopped garlic
1 egg
1 recipe of matzah ball mixture adding chopped parsley and ginger

All of the seasonings are to-taste. We make it quite spicy. Make matzah ball dough and refrigerate for at least one hour. Mix together the lamb and the following eight ingredients. Form a ball with the matzah meal dough and making an indentation at one end, stuff the dough with the meat mixture until the dough just coats the meat. Deep fry until the dough is lightly browned. Drain on paper towel and serve hot.

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Posted in Holidays, Pesach, Recipes