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Thursday, January 25th, 2007 10:11 am by shirlala

A-lef – Bet refers to the Hebrew alphabet. Alef and bet are the first 2 letters. The alef-bet has 22 letters, though five of them take on different forms when they come at the end of a word. Hebrew is written from right to left.

2 Responses to “Alef-Bet”

  1. Shira Kline Jewish Music for Kids says:

    [...] it’s date on the Hebrew calendar? Gematria is a neat system that gives each of the letters of the alef-bet a numerical value. Can you guess what the TU in Tu B’Shvat stands [...]

  2. Shira Kline Jewish Music for Kids says:

    [...] it’s date on the Hebrew calendar? Gematria is a neat system that gives each of the letters of the alef-bet a numerical value. Can you guess what the TU in Tu B’Shvat stands [...]

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Posted in Hebrew Vocabulary