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URJ Biennial – Washington, DC

December 14, 2011toDecember 18, 2011

Biennial is where Reform Jews gather to learn, pray, share ideas, dance and sing, hear from inspiring guest speakers, reunite with old friends, make new connections, and make decisions about the policies of the Reform Movement.

Thursday 8am – Kriat HaTorah with Storahtelling Mavens Shira Kline and Naomi Less

Thursday 4pm - Shira Kline and Cantor Ellen Dreskin teach Worship that Works: Finding, Using, and Teaching New Melodies for Today’s Congregations

Friday 10:20am – ShirLaLa concert at the URJ Books and Music Stage

Friday 3:15pm - Shira Kline, Ellen Allard and Emily Rose Arnoff teach Totally Tot Shabbat Toolbox

Saturday 1:00pm – Shira Kline and Ellen Allard lead a Shabbat experience for parents and children

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