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New York’s Highest High Holidays – NY, NY

September 29, 2008toSeptember 30, 2008

Storahtelling and Tribeca Hebrew invite you to join us on the 45th
floor of 7 World Trade Center for New York’s Highest High Holidays.
Rosh Hashanah services will be held Sept. 29th and 30th, Yom Kippur
Oct. 8th and 9th.

Services will be led by Amichai Lau-Lavie, Shira Kline, Chana Rothman and Naomi Less on guitar, Shoshana Jedwab on percussion, Jeremy Brown on the fiddle
and  Storahtelling artists along with Tribeca Hebrew’s Nadia Gold
and guest teachers. It will feature an alternative and inclusive
worship service, classic and modern liturgy, visual media,
dramatized scripture, interactive learning and age appropriate
children’s programming.

Monday Sept. 29, 2008
Apples and Honey, Cocktails
Adult and Children’s Services

Tuesday Sept. 30, 2008
Adult and Children’s Services
Tashlich and Picnic Lunch


Wednesday Oct. 8, 2008

Kol Nidre and Children’s Program
Movie Midrash and Adult Study

Thursday Oct. 9, 2008

Adult and Children’s Services

Yizkor Service
Adult Study
Break Fast

These tickets sold out last year, so buy your tickets early!  Seating is limited.

For more information and to purchase tickets, log on to http://www.tribecahebrew.org/news/high-holiday-tickets or call 212.608.7120


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