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Nehirim Women’s Retreat – Isabella Freedman Retreat Center, Falls Village, CT

March 20, 2009toMarch 22, 2009
Hold The Date for:

The First Annual Nehirim Women’s Retreat March 20-22 at Camp Isabella
Freedman. With songstress Shira Kline, Rabbi Jill Hammer, Julie
Seltzer, Nehama Benmosche, Chani Getter, Shoshana Jedwab and more.
Connect to diverse women in supportive community from all over the
country. Experience mind-body-spirit programming. Eat organic, local
kosher food. Soak in the hot tub, and take in the music, the workshops,
connections, in the gorgeous natural setting. Refresh and explore your
relationship to Jewishness and Jewish community in a warm, fun and
respectful place. Excellent child care program available. Scholarships

For information and to register:  www.Nehirim.org.

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