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10th Anniversary Washington Jewish Music Festival – Washington, DC

June 5, 2009
6:00 pm

Join Shira for a special Shabbat Service and Dinner as a part of the DC JCC Jewish Music Festival!

6:00pm Family Service with Shira Kline in the Ina and Jack Kay Community Hall
6:45pm Dinner, enjoy a Kosher, traditional Friday night dinner with kid-friendly foods to satisfy even the pickiest eaters!
Best for ages 2-6

1529 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036

The June 5th Children’s Shabbat Service is FREE!
For more information and to buy tickets for the dinner, log on to wjmf.org or call (202) 777-3251
Dinner tix:  Adults $15, Children $7.50 (advance reservation required)

Presented by the Washington DCJCC’s Morris Cafritz Center for the Arts
The Howard and Geraldine Polinger Family Foundation is the major sponsor of the Washington Jewish Music Festival.
Presented in Partnership with the 16th Street J’s Preschool
Co-sponsored by Adas Israel’s Gan Hayeled Nursery School, Congregation Bet Mishpachah, DC Minyan, The Jewish Primary Day School of the Nation’s Capital and Temple Michah’s Tot Shabbat and K’tonton Program.

Enjoy a family Friday night with ShirLaLa! Dynamic performer and music educator Shira Kline travels across the country and around the globe sharing her love of Jewish life and prayer with children and families of all ages. Shira’s creative songs delight children, parents and grandparents alike, making Shabbat a fun, interactive experience. Dance, sing and create while sharing these wonderful traditions with your family. Shira is high energy, high spirited and full of stories and songs guaranteed to warm your heart.


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