January 15, 2015 | to | January 17, 2015 |
The ever-changing landscape of early childhood and family engagement requires new skill sets. Utilizing the dynamic, independent and team driven spirit of “Boston Strong” as the inspiration, experience workshops that push “excellence to awesome” and “strong to stronger” through collaboration, partnerships, and shared resources that breed excellence.
Shira will be presenting the following:
Jan 15- Reflective Jewish Leadership: Beyond Purim Crowns and Grape Juice: A workshop for Program Directors with Shira Kline and Cathy Rolland, Director of Early Childhood Education for the URJ
- Ritual ceremony for the Instillation of the new ECE-RJ President, with Cantor Mark Horowitz Jan 16
-Friday morning t’filah – A creative interactive Havdallah experience for your school Jan 17
- Closing music and program
For more information or to register, please visit http://ecerj.org/
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Posted in Shira's Concert Schedule