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Limmud LA – Costa Mesa, CA

February 13, 2009toFebruary 16, 2009

Shira joins the outstanding line-up of teachers, artists, scholars,
leaders, and players of Limmud LA  Conference where she’ll teach, lead
Shabbat and Havdallah services, and perform a family concert.

Between Friday at noon at Monday at lunchtime, we will begin and end
Shabbat together and explore Jewish texts, arts, practice, culture,
beliefs, and philosophy from traditional to progressive and everything
in between.

Whether you are a student, retiree, new mom, old
dad, or prefer to remain label-less, we’ve got a program for you. So
bring your kids, bring your grandma, or come alone and make new friends
— there’s something for everyone. Expect some of your best learning to
occur outside of scheduled sessions, in the elevator, over coffee, or
late night at the bar.

Hilton Hotel Orange County / Costa Mesa in Costa Mesa, California.

For more info, log on to http://www.limmudla.org/conference.html

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Posted in Shira's Concert Schedule