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Gastrophonic Stimulation – New York, NY

December 9, 2008
10:00 pm

Brought to you by Avi Fox Rosen

Imagine a Shangri La of Sense Stimulation. A raucous party where New York’s most infamous chefs prepare you tongue-exploding morsels. Your ears are serenaded with virtuosic outlandish riffs from songs your elementary school choir used to sing. It is a holiday through the looking glass. It is a Celebration. It tastes amazing. It sounds like heaven. It is…


Food. Music.
Nu, what else do you

Tuesday Dec 9 @ 10pm.
Latkes + Eggnog
Hanuka and Xmas. Duking it out for supremacy. or just enjoyin each other’s company.

With a monster cast::
on Latkes: Shira Kline and Dory Kornfeld
on Eggnog: Leah Koenig
In the band:
Benjy Fox-Rosen, Art Bailey, Michael Winograd, Chris Berry, and MANY MORE MAKING THIS RAUCOUS TO THE NTH DEGREE

At the Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery, between Bleeker + 1st


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