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Friday Night Live – New York, NY

March 6, 2009
6:00 pm

Friday Night Live comes to New York City at Temple Israel this week!

Craig Taubman brings his world famous Kabbalat Shabbat service to Temple Israel of NYC with his band and guest artists, Shira Kline and Michelle Citrin.  The Friday Night Live service begain at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, CA and was designed for young people, ages 25-40, many of whom were estranged from the synagogue and Jewish life.  In LA, the montly servie is an amazing “happening” that draws 2,000 people!

Temple Israel
112 East 75th Street
New York, NY 10021

For more information, contact the temple at (212) 249-5000 or email admin@templeisraelnyc.org.


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