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Rain Dance Ritual for Sukkot Family Block Party – New York, NY

October 19, 2008
4:00 pmto7:00 pm

Join Amichai Lau-Lavie, Shira Kline, Akiva Wharton, Ayelet Gottlieb and Justin Wedes for a Rain Dance Ritual performance at Tribeca
Hebrew’s Sukkot Family Block Party and Simcha s Torah Celebration.

To kick off the event, ShirLaLa will be performing music from her newest recording, The Green Album!

The Rain Dance performance will take place directly in front of Tribeca
Hebrew, on Jay Street, between Greenwich and Hudson Streets.
Tribeca Hebrew is located at 67 Hudson Street, NYC.

For more info, visit Tribeca Hebrew’s website: www.tribecahebrew.org OR call Tribeca Hebrew at 212.608.7120.

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