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Rebuilding Our Shrines: High Holidays 5774/2013

September 4, 2013toSeptember 5, 2013
September 13, 2013toSeptember 14, 2013

Lab/Shul is proud to present the High Holiday Season 5774.

This season, we’ll be back at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center with a great ritual team featuring Amicha Lau-Lavie, Shira Kline, Jeremy Brown, Brian Carter, Featured Artist Neshama Carlebach, artists from Storahtelling, Mavens, guests and more. Meet the team HERE.

LAB/SHUL, launching in July 2013, is a radically new congregational model, rooted in Jewish spiritual practice, informed by current social realities, committed to trying out new ways of connecting people, celebrating the sacred, and making the world into a better place, for all.

We invite you to join our journey.

For more information, please visit our website.

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