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Purim: Turn the World Around

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 11:55 am by admin

There’s no way around it. Purim is a crazy holiday with a crazy story. We’re talking about some of the best storybook characters of all time, valiant (s)heroes, evil plotters, drunk royalty, harems, eunuchs, executions.  Its a crazy story.  So what is it all about?  And how do we teach this to our  children? Turn the World Around!

While the Purim characters are a blast to play and dress up is a way of life for some of us, there is significant meaning to these traditions and your holiday celebration will be greatly enriched if you take a little look further.

Purim is the story of “hafuch,” backwards or topsy-turvy. On this day we face, head on, what we want to change in the world, what we want to reverse or turn upside down. On Purim we literally turn ourselves inside out in order to change the world. All year we highlight “Tikkun Olam” or social justice issues. Well, this is how we do it on Purim. Haman is much more than just a dastardly evil man  who tries to hurt the Jews. He represents all that we want to reverse in humanity. This is not just a Jewish story, this is a universal opportunity to shout and stamp with all our might for what we believe in!

So, what do you want to stamp out?
Injustice! Fear! War! Imbalance! Greed! (Insert your personal Haman HERE!)

Some of my favorite ways to shout out on Purim include:
1. Write out the name of your personal Haman and attach it to the bottom of your shoes. Stamping your feet takes on a whole new meaning!
2. Don’t forget the very important tradition of “mishloach manot”, or giving gifts to those in need! This is the best opportunity to teach your children about sharing what we’ve got with those who have less.
3. Take the concept of hafuch seriously. Choose your costume to truly reflect the opposite of your daily self. Let your imagination go wild. Getting out of your skin once a year can lead to great perspective.


Click here for To Boo or Not to Boo: Purim talking points for your youngest children.

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Posted in Purim