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Programs for Adults

Shabbat service leaderJewish music meditation
Life Cycle Events

Shira works with Jewish organizations all over the country as a song and service leader. She works closely with the Rabbis, Program Directors and Coordinators tailoring her services to your community. She has been the source of music and loving spirituality for many different kinds of gatherings, conferences, conventions, biennial meetings, retreats, bus rides, ceremonies, dinners, and other special events.

  • Theme based song sessions
  • Inspiring and musical Shabbat and Havdallah services
  • Torah study

As a Shabbat service leader, Shira uses music and comtemplative prayer to uplift the Jewish soul. In celebration of Shabbat, we will bring in the Sabbath Queen, sing and pray with all our hearts, and revel in the beauty of this holy day. Our prayer is our work toward peace within ourselves and One world.

Shira is also available to lead and teach sessions on Jewish music meditation. Using Jewish mystical and liturgical sources as a starting point, participants practice bypassing the intellect in order to explore meaning and inspiration through the medium of the musical soul. Her contemporary Jewish and spiritual sound guides us through the deep experience of Jewish music as a spiritual practice.

Personalized Life Cycle Events

Shira creates and leads personalized life-cyle event services for affiliated and unaffiliated families. Shira works on an individual basis to create the most appropriate and special service for each family based on their needs and understanding level. Families call Shira in at various stages of their preparation proccess; sometimes she works closely with a Rabbi and other times only with the family.

  • Alternative Bat/Bar Mitzvah
  • Weddings
  • Funerals
  • Baby Namings